Bangladeshi army will be able to stand against Indian army for only this long, this will be the scene

Bangladeshi army will be able to stand against Indian army for only this long, this will be the scene

The situation in India’s neighboring country Bangladesh is still not very good. Apart from the internal situation of Bangladesh, international relations with other countries including India are also deteriorating. Because after Sheikh Hasina’s resignation and leaving the country, the situation in Bangladesh now seems to be going against India. But the question is what will be the situation if the Bangladesh army stands against India in the future.

India’s neighboring countries

Since India’s independence and partition, Pakistan has always tried to harm India. But the Indian Army has always retaliated against the Pakistani army and infiltrators. It is worth noting that Bangladesh was once a part of East Pakistan, in which India played an important role in making it an independent nation. This is the reason why Bangladesh had friendly relations with India for so many years. But after the coup, the situation in Bangladesh has changed. 

Indian army is alert

Let us tell you that today the Indian army is alert on the border of Bangladesh apart from Pakistan, Indian army and intelligence agencies are keeping an eye on all places. But the question is that what will happen if the Bangladesh army tries to go against India? Pakistan remains a problem.  

Military strength of Bangladesh and Pakistan?

The military strength of Pakistan and Bangladesh is much weaker than India. Let us tell you that in this ranking of 145 countries, Bangladesh is at 37th position, while Pakistan is at number 9. However, India is known as the fourth military superpower of the world. India has 14.44 lakh active soldiers, which is second in the world. On the other hand, Pakistan has less than half the number of soldiers as compared to India.

Indian army has more force

India also has more paramilitary forces than Pakistan. India has 25,27,000 soldiers in its paramilitary force. On the other hand, their number in Pakistan is only five lakh. Apart from this, Indian army has 4,500 tanks and 538 fighter planes. From supersonic missiles to nuclear weapons, India is far ahead of both Pakistan and Bangladesh on every front. Military strength of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has 1,75,000 active soldiers, including border guards and coast guards. Bangladeshi army soldiers have also been deployed in the United Nations Peace Mission. 7 thousand soldiers of Bangladesh have been deployed in this mission. Bangladesh army has around 13,100 armored vehicles, 281 tanks, 30 automatic cannons. Apart from this, this country also has 370 towed artillery and 70 rocket artillery. Bangladesh spends 3.8 billion dollars every year on its army. Bangladesh’s defense budget is considered to be the third largest budget in South Asia after India and Pakistan.

Pakistan’s military strength

It is true that Pakistan’s military strength is much more than Bangladesh. According to the Global Firepower report, the total number of active soldiers in Pakistan is more than 6,54,000. Not only this, Pakistan has a total of 1,434 aircraft and 60 transport aircraft, while there are also 4 aerial refueler aircraft. Pakistan has 3,742 tanks and more than 50 thousand armored vehicles. Apart from this, there are 602 rocket launchers, 752 self-propelled artillery, 2 destroyer boats, 8 submarines and 114 naval ships. Pakistan has 387 fighter jets.

Economic situation

According to the International Monetary Fund, for the last four years, Bangladesh’s per capita GDP has been higher than India’s. According to World Bank data, Bangladesh’s per capita GDP is $2,688. India’s is $2,411. But Bangladesh’s economic condition has worsened due to student protests. India has recently surpassed Britain to become the fifth largest economy in the world. These figures show that Pakistan and Bangladesh are nowhere in front of India. But it is also true that if a war-like situation arises, any country has to face heavy losses.

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